The 7 Keys to Success Part 7

The 7 Keys to Success Part 7

Direct Mail Fundraising Key No. 7: Rigorous Analysis   One of the really great strengths of direct mail fundraising is that it can become a totally controllable and predictable process if the right data is captured and analysed. Once a pattern of response rates and...
The 7 Keys to Success Part 6

The 7 Keys to Success Part 6

Direct Mail Fundraising Key No. 6: Well executed production  All the careful targeting and captivating creative treatment in the world is worth nothing if the printing and mailing go wrong. Well executed production is as critical to successful direct mail fundraising...
The 7 Keys to Success Part 5

The 7 Keys to Success Part 5

Direct Mail Fundraising Key No. 5: Correct copy structure The old formula, developed by experts at direct response press advertising many years ago, is still a good starting point for copy structure. This is known as ‘AIDCA’ (though usually pronounced without the C) ...
The 7 Keys to Success Part 4

The 7 Keys to Success Part 4

Direct Mail Fundraising Key No. 4: Eye catching design. Design has a tough job to do in direct mail.  It is the vehicle for conveying the proposition/price offer in the most effective way. At its best, it does this with speed and impact. At its worst, a poor design...
The 7 Keys to Success Part 3

The 7 Keys to Success Part 3

Direct Mail Fundraising Key No. 3: The right price I personally believe that donations are amongst the most highly price-sensitive spending decisions any person makes. This is because donations to charity are a discretionary spending item, following after food,...